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There's even less chance of you wanting to meet these on a dark night!

Jo 'Lumpy' Hamon
'Lumpy' has been with the team since August 2001 and was already a seasoned player having played for Bath whilst at University. Lumpy can slot in nicely to most positions in either the forwards or backs. Whilst her favoured position is Scrum Half, she's certainly no pushover as prop or hooker.
Emma 'Big Bird' Rayson
'Big Bird' is the ideal second row player at 6'2" tall. Her legs are so long it's very hard to tackle both of them at the same time! Big Bird also plays netball and was recruited in a pub one night by the early members of the team. She loves the odd beer or ten which means she fits in well with everyone else.
Carolyn Le Cocq
Carolyn joined the team last year and could play most of the forward positions. She's not afraid to get in there and thoroughly enjoys rolling around in the mud (perhaps she used to be a mud wrestler?. Her other love is diving which she seems to be pretty good at both in the water and on the pitch!
Fiona Drape (Age 39)
Fiona, who I believe is our oldest player (sorry Fi), joined early this year and just happens to be the partner of the captain of the Guernsey 1st Men's team. She's slotted in nicely as 2nd row with Big Bird or prop when playing sevens, but I bet she gets a lot of extra coaching from her other half. He did mention though that, since she joined, Fiona talks more about rugby than he does!
Emma Church
Emma is another recent addition to the team who apparently had never played rugby before. When we first saw her hit the tackle bags, we knew we'd found a prop we could be proud of. Not only is she very good at mowing people down, she's can also get round the pitch as easily as the backs which makes her absolutely ideal in a game of sevens. Her other love is rowing which has obviously given her the upper body stength to enable her to rip her opponents to shreds.
Mhari joined around the same time as Emma Church and following a good start to training suffered a broken ankle recently in a tackle (Lumpy was the culprit . . . nasty piece of work). Whilst she may not be better before our next sevens tournament (and I believe her mum has also told her that she's banned from ever playing again!)we know that she'll be an asset when the next one comes round.