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I don't know these women keep coming out of the woodwork . . . we'll have a proper team soon.

Kate 'Tink'

I'm not quite sure how we managed to recruit Tink because her other passtime is 'ballet'. Yes, that's right, one of the gentler passtimes. You couldn't get two sports more different. With her speed she's definitely suited to playing out on the wing as most of us can't catch her in training. She certainly doesn't need any post game training as she's quite used to propping up the bar with the rest of us rugby goers after a game.

Rhini Thomas
Well Rhini is certainly our smallest member of the team. She's training with the Jackals until she goes away to University but we're hoping she'll come back during the holidays and meet up with us for any forthcoming tournaments. She's also quite handy to have on the team as her dad is on the committe of the Guernsey Rugby Club!
As she walked across the pitch to join us on the first day of training we thought to ourselves "not another slim person - we could do with some rufty tufty props". But having been hit by her several times now my opinion has changed. She's turning out to be a bit like our Julie - even when we're having a game of touch! Look out.
Nicky is another of our youngsters (god I feel older every training session with all these young people around). Whilst we're yet to decide where best to play her, Nicky's ball skills are coming on in leaps and bounds. Let's see how she fares at the first tackling session!